Browser Support vs Innovation

We strive to create new and innovative sites using the latest features web technologies with the goal of delivering the best user experience possible. In turn, our clients attract more new and return visitors, improve site performance, and increase conversion rates. With each new innovation, however, we are constrained by issues of Browser Support. A chain is…

The Benefits of Semantic Markup

As a developer when creating a website it is important to think not only of the content being displayed on page but also the structure behind it. Making sure your HTML is valid and functional is one thing, but by using the correct tags you can help give your content more significance to browsers and search…

Code Reviews and the Art of Website Maintenance

Every time someone visits your website they are presented with the HTML, CSS and JavaScript that make up the page. This is the client side code that is interpreted by a user’s browser to render the page. In previous posts I have talked about coding conventions and improving page speed. In this post I’ll talking more about the importance of reviewing and…

The Importance of Code Version Control

When working on code for a website or piece of software it’s always important to track your changes. This is especially critical when collaborating on projects where multiple people will be updating the same code. Whether you’re working with one other developer, or contributing to an open source project with thousands, it’s crucial to keep…