Well, I hope you’re getting ready for a responsible celebration New Years and have all the joy and exuberance you should at this time of year with all its reflection, analysis, and projection for the year ahead. While we work to make our speculation happen, and to brace ourselves for the unpredictability that inevitably comes with everything in the world, we at Hall are happy to be sharing with you… Well, what you see in front of you!
Ah yes, this new web site, of which this blog is humbly a part of. The world in general, and the internet in particular, is rapidly changing, with the spoils going to those who ride the waves of the new technologies and obsolescence for those who miss the boat. At Hall, our whole business is being on the top of these changes, understanding them thoroughly, and being able to adjust our strategies accordingly. This site is an example of some of the hottest new technologies that we can offer for our clients.
For example, the “Try Stuff” section has some fun wazoos that you can play around with, such as changing the color scheme of the site, switching the site’s source code, a demo of our SEO optimized content editor, and some examples of flash and multimedia presentations we can produce. I’m no fan of gaudy sites with a huge “Gee whiz” factor but little substance, but Flash and video technologies can be prudently integrated into your site to present information in a rich, user-friendly format that plain HTML cannot. Now with about 75% of all users on high-bandwidth connections, the time for this technology is ripe.
Our attention to substance over splashiness is also reflected by this site’s structure–our site, along with all that we build for our clients, is designed with our SEO objectives in mind, with the simplest code needed with advanced functionality in mind. “Less is more” is as true to web development as it is traditional writing, and with a tight integration of form and function, I hope you’ve found this site fun to browse, informative, and eye-appealing.
Finally, I’ll self-reflect a little on this little phenomenon I’m typing into: the blog. I was as big a skeptic to blogging as anyone when I started with Hall a few months ago, but now that I’m beginning to understand the architecture of the Internet and the power of interconnectivity that blogging offers, I’m quite an enthusiast. Blogging is extremely easy to get into, readily understandable by search engines, and a great way to share information and perspectives that complement the more static information on a website. Regardless of the kind of site you operate, a supporting blog can certainly be helpful, and through this implementation with Hall Marketing I hope to shed some light on the web design, development, SEO/site promotions and Internet Marketing work we do.
Happy New Year!