Let’s be honest, Google knows EVERYTHING about you. It knows you ‘google’ yourself once a month (okay more like once a week…), it knows that you were recently in the market for a new car, bought an iPhone, and that you are baffled by Halo 3 because it caught you looking for cheats online. In essence…Google has become your closest confidante. But who is Google..and what do YOU know about it?
As a website owner, it is imperative that you get to know Google. Google is largely responsible for the success and failure of your website. He holds the answers to your most important questions: How do I get more traffic to my website? Or How are my customers finding me? Google knows, and unfortunately he isn’t telling.
Luckily for you, it’s not magic, it just involves a little elbow grease and knowledge. We have realized that it comes down to three basic factors: quality inbound links, frequent updates, and publishing content that reflects the interests of your users.
Link building is a means of attracting high quality sites to link to your website.
It’s basically an internet popularity contest. Generally, he who has the most links wins! The more quality inbound links your site has, the better it does in Google search rankings. Is there a magic number of links you should get? YES..more than your competitor! Go Team!
Google LOVES fresh content. Its main job is to crawl through websites to look for new information. By updating your site with new information, a press release, a business blog or even a simple RSS feed, Google will be more likely to deem your site more credible and visit it more frequently. And you know what that means…more visits from Google…higher search rankings!
When writing copy for a website, it is important to write quality content which will be of interest to your readers. There is a lot of talk about ‘writing for search engines’ which consists of stuffing searchable keywords on every page. This is not an effective way to attract repeat visitors. Web searchers who find your site are looking for interesting information, reward them for visiting your site by giving them what they are looking for..and they are sure to return.
There you have it, Google’s secrets revealed…a cheat sheet of sorts. It may not be the Halo 3 Cheat sheets you were hoping for, but it is a great way to start the optimization of your website.