Well, it’s pretty safe to say that 2020 has been a year unlike any other. The digital world has become more important than ever for work, commerce, and keeping people connected. Here are our top apps and websites that helped us get through the year!
Apps We Love
VS Code – A very powerful open source code editor. I spend a large portion of the workday using it.
– Matt Harrison, Vice President of Technology
Kast – An app for virtual movie nights with friends.
– Olivia Nishi, SEO Specialist
Nextdoor – Nextdoor has helped keep me up to date with what’s going on in my neighborhood during the pandemic. The best part of Nextdoor is that it’s moderated by community members and tries to keep things civilized.
– Brian Chu, WordPress Developer
Venmo – Mobile app that allows you to transfer and receive money. Very easy to use.
– Jonas Levasseur, Vice President of Operations
Centr Fit – With gyms closed, it provides ever-changing daily workouts for weights, cardio, and overall fitness, along with sleep meditations and daily meal recipes.
– Ben Stallman, Client Account Representative
Slack – It’s a business communication platform and has been essential this year. The call feature has been really useful to have a quick discussion with co-workers and it also logs the call duration.
– Jessica Lavoie, User Experience Developer
AllTrails – My 2020 summer was jam-packed with hiking all around the state of Maine. Finding trails, getting there, and navigating trails was easy with the AllTrails app and website.
– Tim Suellentrop, WordPress Developer
Calm – Great guided meditations and stories to help you fall asleep.
-Anna Pillsbury, Administrative Assistant
Websites We Love
aXe – It is a Web Accessibility testing tool I have been using in browser and through command line. It has helped improve the usability of our sites for all users.
– Tim Howe, Lead WordPress Developer
headlines.sharethrough.com – It uses Behavior Model theory, neuroscience, and ad research to rate headlines on a scale of 1 to 100. It’s a great tool for improving click-through rates on pages, ads, and blog posts.
– Joe Moody, Junior WordPress Developer
littlealchemy2.com – Fascinating website that outlines the process of transformation and is really only limited by your creativity. You start with the four elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Air), combine them to make new elements (e.g. earth + water = mud), and then keep combining items to see what you can make.
– Ryan Brooks, WordPress Developer
explore.org/livecams – This site lets you explore the wonders of nature around the world through multimedia and live cameras—places you may never see in person. It can be a great escape from 2020 when you need one.
– Kerry Corcoran, Digital Marketer
We hope this list opens you up to new apps and websites you can use to improve your life. To keep receiving helpful information from us, subscribe to our blog! You’ll be emailed whenever we post a new blog so you can always stay up to date with the latest trends in digital marketing and web development.