Not too much to report this week. In my world, all my Twitter streams, blog rolls and alerts were about the iPhone hoopla. Hopefully the dust will settle next week and I will have more to share with you – but for now, here you go:
iPhone mania and complaints – So not only did iPhone 4 come out this week but the previous iPhones were treated to an operating system upgrade. Unfortunately for both announcements, the public was generally unhappy with both. The new iPhone seems to have issues with the new screen, certain spots turn yellow and if you ‘hold it wrong’ the reception drops out on you. With this new iPhone, Apple made a smarty pants move and made the metal around the phone part of the antenna but when you use the phone your hand can actually block the reception.
If you want a full run through of the new iOS Mashable has a quick 16 minute video showing you the new changes.
If you want to see the iPhone 4 get blended to itty bitty pieces check out what those crazy guys at Will It Blend did with their new iPhone.
LinkedIn tries to make conversations better – LinkedIn realized that their Groups were not living up to their potential so they are trying out some new things. LinkedIn wants their group discussions to be more like the conversations we have at events and conferences, less stiff. They are revamping how you add news and discussions to groups to try to get more raw and less stiff. You also have more options in the Groups and can more easily see conversations you have participated in. For a tour of the new groups check out the video below.