This is an entry in our daily Internet Marketing Advent Calendar series. Each day your favorite marketing elves will focus on a new topic to get your internet marketing in order before the start of the new year.
Thanksgiving Day, every year the same two local radio stations drop their format and go straight to 24/7 Christmas music. Some will cry it is too much. Some will say it is overkill. But… when you feel that twinge of holiday spirit creep in your bones, you know what channels you will be turning the dial to.
So here WE are again for another year to do our Advent Blog schedule – to be consistent. People like consistency. They like knowing what they are going to get. Throughout the year people bring up this series to me. They like it. We like doing it so it is a win-win.
Of course there is always room to surprise people but being dependable for what people want is one of the best things you can do for your business and your marketing messages.
Three places where being consistent will help your internet marketing
- Keep your website consistent with your industry and with websites in general – Many creatives will disagree with me here but this really depends on your business. If you are in the B2B industry, people are coming to your site to research your company and your services, they are coming for information and they are coming to gather data so they can make a buying decision. While they are collecting that information, they don’t want to learn how to use your website. There are things they have become dependent on like easy to use navigation, an About Us page, product pages etc.
- Keep your messaging and tone consistent – Make sure the content on your website, blog and social media profiles are consistent. Although many blogs and social media profiles often have a more personal tone, don’t let it be the exact opposite of your company site. A person may get to know you through your social media accounts first and you don’t want them to feel like they got duped when they visit your site.
- Keep the your posting schedule consistent – If you have an email newsletter, blog or social media profiles you should try to keep how often you post to them somewhat regular. There is something dependable about knowing I am getting a newsletter each week or month. A blog or social media site that sits stagnant for months and then posts in bursts is hard to get any traction on. Space your posting out and make yourself accountable to get things out on a regular basis.
And so beings our consistent routine with the 2011 Advent Schedule! Enjoy!