We here at Hall use the ‘what if you were hit by a bus’ analogy all the time. The less morbid point we are trying to make is ensuring that anything you start, anything you touch and any project you are working on should be able to be picked up if for some reason you cannot be there (like if you got hit by a bus).
This work principle made it very unnerving for me when Google+ rolled out business pages and there could only be one administrator – yikes! What if I got hit by a bus?!? Who would pick up the task of managing our Google+ profile?!
Recently Google+ fixed this and now you can have page Owners and page Managers – phew! Each page can now only have one owner but it can have up to 50 managers (you can only invite 20 managers per day). Page owners and page managers have all of the same admin rights except page managers can NOT delete the page or transfer the ownership of the page.
To add a new manager to your Google+ page:
- Log in to Google+ and your business Google+ page
- Click on Settings (upper right hand side)
- Click on Managers (left hand side)
- Invite someone to be a manger of your page by adding their email address
You do not need to invite them with their Google+ email address. The invited party can accept with the email address you sent it to and then sign up to be a page manager with a different email address. When the person invited accepts to manage the page, the owner of the page will be notified via email.
Now, under the Managers section of your page, you will see the owner and any managers or invited managers. If an invitation is not accepted or if you want to cancel the invitation you can click on the X next to their email address. All managers can see the list of managers
To remove a manager, you can click the X by their name. When they are removed as a manager the page owner and the removed manager will receive an email.
We always recommend having more than one administrator to any business social network presence – you know, in case you get hit by a bus.
Photo credit: PoloGoomba