One thing I learned this past week at Sage Insights is that using Social media as a marketing tool is serious business! I know the power of tools like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Stumpbleupon and more because it is what I do for work and what I help my clients succeed in. The rest of the business world is starting to take notice and want to know how they can use Social Media/Inbound Marketing tools for them.
There is a shift in thinking – these social media sites aren’t just for kids in their basement but they are a valuable tool for businesses to connect with clients, be found by new clients, publish important content and share their news and events.
This past week USA Today put out an article about how banks are using the popular microblogging tool Twitter to connect with their customers. Sounds familiar to anyone? I wrote a blog about a month ago after presenting at the Maine Bank Expo Social Media is opening up communication – even with your local bank.
One thing to remember is these are just tools in your marketing toolbox. As with most things in life there is no magic bullet. Things aren’t looking so good for traditional forms of marketing like newspapers, radio stations and television. The power has shifted to the buyers and you need to find ways for them to find YOU!
In the most recent edition of Accounting Technology Magazine there was an article on the ROI of Social Networking. In it was a nice closing statement from Wayne Shultz “Will Twitter bring in clients? Probably not. Will a combination of Twitter, Facebook and a good newsletter? Now you’re thinking.”
For those of you who were not at Insights or at our presentation here is a copy of our slides:
Want to know more about Social Media? Check out the Social Media Section of our blog