WordPress releases new versions of it’s software roughly three times each year, and the newest release, WordPress 4.3, is right around the corner. In addition to bug fixes and minor improvements across the platform, each release focuses on a few specific features designed to make using WordPress easier and more fun!
Here are the features slated for WordPress 4.3, which we should be seeing in the next few weeks:
Site Icons
Now you’ll be able to upload a custom site icon (favicon) without needing a developer or plugin! A big focus for WordPress is making site management as easy as possible for non-technical users, while this may literally seem like a small improvement, it’s a sign of that commitment.
Manage Menus in the Customizer
This feature has garnered a lot of criticism over the past few weeks. Ultimately, it will make building and managing your menus in WordPress much easier for regular users. The ability to see your changes in real time brings a huge benefit to the user experience.
More Secure Passwords
Making your site more secure is always a great thing. WordPress 4.3 brings a number of improvements to password security and will even generate a secure password for you in the password selection menu if you’d like.
Better User Search
Improvements made to the search in the Users admin section will now allow you to search by First Name, Last Name, Nickname, and Display Name, making it much easier to find user accounts – especially on large sites.
Comments Turned Off By Default on Pages
This is my personal favorite in the set of new features. When you’re getting started with a new site, many people will start creating a bunch of new pages right off the bat before they remember to to disable comments on pages in the settings. Now comments will be disabled by default for Pages and Custom Post Types – removing the extra steps required for the majority of users.
WordPress 4.3 is shaping up to be a great release, if not groundbreaking. And of course we’re already looking out for what might be on the horizon in WP 4.4 this Fall.