3 Reasons Not to Use Email Links on Your Website

“Email Links” are the links on your website that when clicked, open your local email client with the recipient’s email address pre-filled out in the message. Usually it is an address that is posted on your website and looks just like any other link on your site (just like this). While this is a widely…

5 Ways to Kick-Start Stale Content With Your CMS

Photo Credit: Shenghung Lin When you first got a CMS (content management system) it was probably really exciting to suddenly have control over your content! Or maybe I just think it is because I am into that stuff… Regardless, you probably did a lot of updates and added plenty of content at first. And then…

Some Thoughts on the New Creative Department

Photo Credit: bayat The days of the creative/marketing department living differently than the rest of the company are over. The creative department on staff needs to be intertwined in all aspects of your business; in business development, marketing, client relations, technology development, content creation et al. Creative/Technology Department The new creative department needs to work…

Does your Website Need a Check Up?

photo credit: larique Whether you’re sick or not, most people go to the doctor for an annual check up. Your doctor will check your eyes, ears, heartbeat, lungs, and discuss anything else you may have concerns about. Even though your website is not a living, breathing, organism, it does need to be an evolving, expanding,…