Level Up Your PPC Marketing Strategy with A/B Testing

A/B testing is an important component of any company’s PPC strategy. Strong brands are always experimenting with different advertising strategies. Adopting a data-driven approach to test and optimize messages on platforms like Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising can help to capture different audience segments, or help to better appeal to the ones you’re already targeting.…

Increase Sales and Drive More Conversions with Remarketing Ads

If you want to re-engage website visitors that didn’t convert, you will need to market to prospects in the middle or the bottom of the marketing funnel. This type of campaign is known as website remarketing. Remarketing ads are some of the most profitable because they are aimed at people that are already considering your…

Drive Holiday Sales with These 6 Advanced PPC Hacks

The holiday season is coming up quickly and if you haven’t planned out your holiday strategy, now is the time. To prep for the 2021 holiday season, there are basic tips to incorporate, like reviewing historical data, utilizing holiday keywords, and aligning landing pages. But those tips are really a no-brainer. So here is some…

Search Campaign Targeting: Layering Keywords with Audiences

As the number of paid search marketing options continues to increase, so too does the number of advertisers competing for clicks. Naturally, that increased competition leads to higher costs per click, and an even greater need for the most accurate targeting. If you’re not using audiences in your paid search campaigns, you’re missing out on…