11 Reasons Website Visitors Bounce

Bounce rate is defined as the total number of visitors registering one hit per session divided by the total number of hits to your website. In layman’s terms, it is the percentage of users who exit a site without visiting a second page. Bounce rate is one of the many key performance indicators, or KPIs,…

Marketing with Video Advertising

Video advertising has long been a crux in many a marketing stack. Today, there are a lot of options for where, and how, video ads are displayed.  Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat (among others), offer a multitude of formats for video delivery. As marketers we are inundated with options for video advertisement delivery, be it…

Avoiding Common Design Mistakes

Everyone wants their website to be cool, modern, and cutting-edge, but always remember — user experience should never be an after-thought. Of course there are factors to consider based on market, audience, and technology, but the principles of design — such as color, typography, contrast, and space — are universal concepts that apply to all designs. Here are…