CSS Naming Conventions

Naming conventions ultimately come down to personal preference, but you have to imagine that someone at some point will be looking at your work so it needs to be “legible”. Good code is commented, adheres to industry best practices, and allows for others to easily understand its purpose. I’ll be taking a look at some…

10 Ways I Minimize Pain Points as a Web Developer

There are always ways to improve your workflow and increase productivity. Pain points are anything in your workflow that can be removed or improved upon. We must isolate the stress point and work to find a resolution. Below are a list of ten pain points and ways that I have learned to mitigate their effects:…

Web Color

Color is very different for the mediums of print and web. The color model for print is CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black), which is affected by the printer and surface of the print. The color model for web is RGB (red, green, blue), which is affected by the screen’s calibration. Both are affected by the…

10 More Tips for Using the WordPress WYSIWYG Editor

WYSIWYG (WIZ-ee-wig) or “What You See Is What You Get” is just another name for a text editor. It can interpret code, media, and images and display them similarly in the editor as they will appear on the front-end of the website. In a previous post I outlined ten tips for using the WordPress editor. In  this post I will build…