10 Ways I Minimize Pain Points as a Web Developer

There are always ways to improve your workflow and increase productivity. Pain points are anything in your workflow that can be removed or improved upon. We must isolate the stress point and work to find a resolution. Below are a list of ten pain points and ways that I have learned to mitigate their effects:…

HTTP/2: A Faster Internet Awaits

Despite numerous changes and additions to the internet over the years, including high speed broadband, responsive design and cat videos, the standards for how servers deliver content to your browser has remained much the same for over 15 years. This is set to change as a new protocol, HTTP2, is now being released. What is…

Keeping Your WordPress Site Secure

Updates The most important thing you can do to keep your WordPress site secure is to make sure it is up to date. There are many hackers that target older versions of WordPress and plugins that have known security vulnerabilities. Security updates are released frequently so you want to update both WordPress and your plugins…

Code Reviews and the Art of Website Maintenance

Every time someone visits your website they are presented with the HTML, CSS and JavaScript that make up the page. This is the client side code that is interpreted by a user’s browser to render the page. In previous posts I have talked about coding conventions and improving page speed. In this post I’ll talking more about the importance of reviewing and…