In case you missed it back in late December, Facebook announced that it would be updating some of its guidelines to limit text on images, including cover photos. These changes officially went into effect yesterday.
Text on cover photos must now be limited to no more than 20% of the image area – including logos. Facebook’s cover image guidelines have always limited outright promotional information so chances are good that your current image may be fine as it is. It’s still not a bad idea to take a look just to be sure. And Facebook will remove photos that do not follow its guidelines – it’s been done before.
Whether your cover photo complies with the new rules or not, this is a good reminder to take a look at – and possibly freshen up – the look and feel of this valuable social media marketing real estate. Does your cover photo still effectively represent your brand’s message? Either way, it’s a good idea to switch out images on a regular basis to help boost visibility and community engagement.
Amanda’s blog outlining what you need to know about Facebook cover images provides great reference and has a lot of useful links to creative examples to help inspire you. Of course, Facebook’s page guidelines will continue to be a moving target, which is great motivation to keep things fresh and new!