Make your blog go the extra mile… or two.. or 13.1

NYC MarathonI am a non runner and I have signed up to do a half marathon in April. I have been training for months now and just had that epiphany last week that I actually CAN do this.

I also used to consider myself a non-blogger but I practiced, put myself out there and I have been really impressed with the results, feedback and people I have ‘met’ already in my blogging career.

Both of these efforts involved really putting myself out there and I have picked up some good tips and tricks along the way. I will share my blogging tips (running tips we will save for another day) with you to make your blog go that extra mile and really get OUT there so people will share it, link back to it and comment on your posts:

  • Have someone else proof read your work

    Of course you find your content interesting but does the average person on the web? Send it to an obscure friend, not a co-worker or your spouse (although they can read it too). Make sure your post is clear, makes a point, and has no typos. No one will be grading your entries but there are those grammar freaks out there who will be put off by a poorly written post.

  • Share, share, share your content

    Social Networking sites are a great free tool to help publish your content further than your current blog subscribers. Tease or submit your posts on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Digg or your other favorite social networking sites. Make sure you are sharing this information with people who want to read it. People judge if they think something is spam in seconds. Don’t post your marketing blog in a group for hot dog eating contestants (unless somehow it applies to mass hot dog consumers too).

  • Don’t stress if you suk at writin’

    Copyblogger just wrote a great post to get people over their fear of blogging. No one is expecting you to be the next Shakespeare. They just want to learn or be entertained. Take what you know about and share it with other people.

  • Don’t be so egotistical

    If you want people to read and comment on your blog – go read other peoples blogs and comment on theirs. Of course you are very interesting but there are other interesting people out there too. Almost every blog asks you for your name, email and a URL. Add your blog’s URL and if your comments gets a reaction from someone, there is a good chance that they will follow the link to your blog to read more about what you have to say.

  • Be controversial

    Quick and powerful blog from Seth Godin this morning (but aren’t all of Seth Godin’s blogs quick and powerful?). Are you trying to fit in or stand out? Fitting in is easy, anyone can tell you how… but it is standing out that is hard and uncomfortable. You have an opinion – say it. Don’t hum along with everyone else. If everyone sings at the same pitch it all blends together and you can’t distinguish one from the other. If you want to be heard or remembered you have to give something different than everyone else.

With blogging and running you don’t need a lot of equipment to participate and be good at either. Bloggers need a computer, some individual thoughts and some basic writing skill. With a little bit of finesse and individuality you should be able to get your thoughts and ideas out to a larger audience. Does anyone else have any tips or tricks they use to make their blog stretch it’s legs online?

Photo credit: Martineric

Want to know more now?

Read: Butterflies in Your Blogging Stomach
Read: Bring Some Life To Your Blog! (Do it for us — your readers!)

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