CPA is coming! CPA is coming!

Thanks to our friends at 5 Star Affiliates, as well as the folks at the Inside Adwords blog, we now know that Google is now officially starting the beta testing phase of their new CPA (cost per action) pricing model. Rumored to be in the works since last June, this development has the potential to…

Writing for the Link Builders

While the article I shared last Friday was all about the nitty gritty of growing links, this SEOmoz Article is all about targeting content that is meant to be linked to — or targeting the “linkerati,” as they are dubbed. Using some hiliariously illustrated examples of the Googlebot and HotBot monster, Rand discusses the difference…

More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About Linking

One of the simultaneously most important and most frustrating aspect of internet marketing is courting inbound links. Due to the emphasis that search engines place on in-linking, even the most basic SEO efforts should involve some sort of link building strategy. Yet, what’s the best way to go about it? How much are certain links…

What You Need to Know about Business Blogging

The Hall Marketing Basic Business Blogging Guide Everyone’s getting into blogs this day, and for good reason — how else can you so easily keep a website up to date, propagate content, and make connections with the rest of the universe? Most savvy businesses, from thebig guys to the mom and pop shops, are starting…