What’s new?

You’ve seen it a hundred times, and may even be a culprit — you have a news or blog section of your site, and the information there is out of date. And not a week, two weeks, or even a month. We’re talking about two to three months, even a year out of date. As…

VW Subpoenas over YouTube Spoof – A Question of Privacy or PR?

It’s no news that major corporations are pushing hard to develop a positive image using social networking channels — see the McDonald’s Quality Correspondence Campaign or the backfired Wal-Mart blogging foray — and neither is it news that companies aren’t afraid to use legal recourse to protect their interests… Napster, anyone? But an interesting article…

Why Your Web Site Needs an Oil Change

 photo credit: Mess of Pottage It runs roughly. It’s hard to get started, or quits abruptly after it’s running for a while for no clear reason. You put off some basic maintenance months and months ago, and when the problem’s so bad you finally face it, the cost is four times what it would have…

Memory in the Digital Age

An interesting article appeared in the New York Times last week concerning people who appeared in news stories that were wrong or incomplete coming back to haunt them later in life. The story points out the stories of several people for whom articles with inaccuracies appear at the top of Google — things like mismatched…