Your time is up! The Facebook Pages are turning to the new Timeline format today. Whether you are ready of not. Still not ready? Here are some resources to hopefully help you out: Mari Smith – Facebook Timeline for Business Pages – 21 Key Points To Know American Express Open Forum – MSNBC Facebook Timeline…
The Hall Blog
New Facebook Timeline Means More Facebook Content Control
Facebook unveiled the new business pages, aka Timeline, a few weeks ago. All pages can switch on their own now but will be forced to switch on March 30th. For a good recap of the new features, you can read this post from Inside Facebook – Timeline for Facebook pages: a complete overview of new…
Prepare Your Digital Marketing Strategy for the Cookieless Future
The phaseout of the third-party cookie will be one of the biggest changes to the marketing industry—and if you don’t have a plan, you’re already behind. The good news is that Google recently announced support for the third-party cookie would be extended until late 2023, giving marketers more than a year extension from the previous…
Google Ads Phases Out Broad Match Modifier
The evolution of paid search continues with Google’s announcement that phrase match is now incorporating the behaviors of broad match modifier (BMM), signifying the end of support for broad match modifier. The announcement states that this simplifies keyword portfolios while helping to reach more relevant customers. How Will Phrase Match Change? The updated phrase match…