Paid Search Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is one of the first steps in the process of planning a paid search campaign. How do you win if you don’t know what your competitors are up to? Define Your Top Competitors Create a list of your direct competitors, and include those who may be perceived as competitors. Perform a search using…

4 Ideas for Using Dynamic Content in Email Marketing

In today’s email marketing climate, it should go without saying how important personalization is when advertising to your customers. Dynamic content is the content that changes within an email, allowing you to display personalized messages. This can be done with simple techniques like showing a subscriber’s name in an email or advanced techniques such as…

Website Content Matters

Good content is the foundation of every website. A majority of your website traffic is there to either look at a product or service you sell or to gather information on what services and expertise you can offer in your industry. Website technology has created easier avenues for all industries to present what they do…

Top Tricks & Tips for Instagram Advertising Success

Instagram has quickly evolved into one of the top marketing channels for businesses. Not only does Instagram have a massive amount of active accounts, but engagement rates on Instagram are what marketers dream about. The reason is that visual media is becoming a more effective strategy for engaging audiences and it’s what Instagram does best.…