Working the SEO Mojo

My title is an oxymoron, but I couldn’t resist because it sounded kinda cool and it rhymes (double bonus!). In actuality, there are no magical spells or powers (mojo) involved with SEO, just a lot of hard work and a willingness to continually learn and test the methods. On Monday, SEOMoz unveiled 2009’s Search Engine…

3 Quick Things to Make Sure Your Website is Ready for Mobile Browsers

Photo credit: mastrobiggo Relevenace: little, just liked the pic The internet is changing everyday. The things we can do on the internet changes everyday. Now with cell phones acting like mini-computers when, where and how we browse the internet is changing too. With advances in the social internet people are sharing links, emails, videos, blogs…

Five Marketing Tips to Keep You Energized

Today’s guest post comes from David Murphy.  David is the founder of Bewater Marketing Concepts.  Bewater Marketing Concepts specializes in working with small businesses not only to survive, but to thrive using simple and very effective marketing strategies. Prior to Bewater Marketing Concepts, David was part of the Sage Software and Intuit teams working with…