Search Ads Beating Displays, According to NY Times

The New York Times yesterday reported how contextual search advertising is beating out more expensive display advertising on the web, a reality that’s yet more bad news for traditional media sources that are aggressively selling display inventory to try and replace lost revenue from flagging subscription sales. While cautioning about losses and mixed-results among major…

Tradeshow Wrap-up – Last Chats at the Show

For the last hours of the Sage Software Insights 2008 tradeshow we of course talked to some more business partners, as well as some of other Preferred Vendors at the show. See some of our final observations before we wrap up for a very successful week!

Insights Day 2 – Mike Renner Speaks About Hall!

We’ve spoken to lots, and lots of people at the tradeshow here at Insights, but one of the greatest pleasures of the show is being able to touch base with our customers and see how their sites are working out for them. And people are very happy! Thanks to Mike Renner of Computer Accounting Systems…