5 Easy Goals for your B2B Website

1. Easy to Find We all only view a very small portion of the existing World Wide Web. There are trillions of pages, but we can only view a very small portion of the web made up of the websites we can find. In B2B, prospects have to be able to find your website to…

SEO Strategy: Do You Focus on Winning a Battle or Winning the War?

The most identifiable difference between marketers with traditional marketing backgrounds and those who are pure internet marketers is how they define victory. Traditional marketers tend to focus on the individual battle or battles while most savvy internet marketers look at a bigger picture and focus on the war. Why the Difference? Traditionalists are conditioned to…

Reversing Forward, Digressing Ahead and Other Punch Drunk Oxymora

We have spent the last 50 years moving away from personal interaction, starting with the age of TV and Radio. Marketing focused on selling to target audiences with little concern for the people in that audience. From TV and Radio, to Print, Direct Mail and Telemarketing, sales and marketing digressed to a numbers game obsessed…