Pole vaulting and your social media strategy

Whenever I am about to try something scary (like, really scary) I use the analogy with my teacher, coach, employer… “It’s like pole vaulting to me.” I do NOT understand the margin of error in pole vaulting. You are either gracefully over the pole on a safe mat, or your face is ground into the…

Using the Right Keywords to Conquer the “Word” Wide Web

OK, so it’s technically the World Wide Web, but with so much emphasis on keywords as part of a website’s SEO strategy, I tend to think of the web as a world of words. And it can be overwhelming.You know that keywords are the foundation of performing well in the search engines and driving the…

Are you a social media junky just to be popular?

The measuring geek is at it again. Social media this and social media that… everyone is talking about it and wants to join and get as many fans or followers as they can. I am proposing instead of measuring how many people – we focus on which people and what they do with your content.…