Reversing Forward, Digressing Ahead and Other Punch Drunk Oxymora

We have spent the last 50 years moving away from personal interaction, starting with the age of TV and Radio. Marketing focused on selling to target audiences with little concern for the people in that audience. From TV and Radio, to Print, Direct Mail and Telemarketing, sales and marketing digressed to a numbers game obsessed…

Tag, You’re It: Some New Information on SEO Best Practices

Everyone in SEO-land understands the most basic elements that are key to any optimization campaign, but Danny Dover at SEOmoz has some new insights on the old standards. Based on their own field research and the rankings correlation report developed by their team, he’s offered up some juicy nuggets that should be of interest to…

Feedburner adds Friendfeed: Should you care?

The first thing I do every morning is check our Google Analytics and Feedburner stats. I like to see what things are working for us and what things are not working. I am proud to say that our blog has been doing quite well and gaining subscribers at a steady pace. Then, one mid week…

Getting Your Video Out There: Tips on Hitting the Tweet

For the last two weeks, we’ve talked about how to get the gear to make a video and how to turn an idea into reality. Later today I’ll finally be presenting our webinar on using web video to tell your story, and today’s post is about how to get your video to do something once…