What is Facebook Newsfeed Optimization?

Photo credit: Colin_K There is a lot of talk about Facebook Newsfeed Optimization and Social Media Optimization going on. Some are saying it is as important as SEO. I can’t say I agree with that but I do think it is important to think strategically about what you are posting to Facebook as your business,…

Can I Copy from Word and Paste into My Blog?

Photo credit: avatar-1 You CAN but you may not want to. It is exciting that more and more businesses are getting into blogging. It is a great way to add more content to your website, help with your search rankings and benefit from the viral nature of the internet. Many of us are most comfortable…

Tips to Protect Yourself Online

Photo credit: saturn ♄ The internet is an amazing thing. It helps up keep in touch, connect, learn and share. It can make our lives easier but as all of us have learned at one time or another it can make our lives harder too. With news coverage of identity thefts, credit card theft, cyber…

5 Ways To Bring More Personality to Your Web Content

Photo credit: od.photography Yesterday, Sonia Simone wrote a fantastic blog post on Copyblogger called “The Simple 5-Step Formula for Effective Online Content.” She explains that the formula for effective content is “Education + Personality.” I completely agree with this idea; we are using content to learn something, but the personality part is key for us…