Protecting Your Website’s Data and Getting Ready for GDPR

Keeping the information you collect and store on your website secure should always be a top priority. You want to make sure your website is safe for both you and your users. With the increase of data breaches, it is important that you know what, where and how you are storing information on your website.…

Why You Should Bid on Your Own Brand

This is a question we get asked a lot from clients, and it can be challenging to explain since there isn’t just one factor, but several to consider. However, once you have a basic understanding of how brand terms work and the benefits they offer, you can feel much more confident in your brand strategy.…

Your Favorite Hall Blog Posts of 2017

It’s almost hard to believe that another year has come and gone already. Fortunately, we marked the year with some fun and important accomplishments. For starters, 2017 was the fourth straight year that Hall maintained 100% employee Google Analytics certification. Back in May we sponsored and volunteered at the 4th annual WordCamp Maine and the…

Optimizing Your Landing Page: Key Elements

What are landing pages and why do we use them? In the most basic sense, landing pages are any pages that a user can access on a section of the website by clicking on a call-to-action from your site, a previous search or link, or an external site. Digging deeper, they are dedicated pages designed…