Maximizing Your Homepage

When reviewing Analytics details on a monthly or quarterly basis, most website owners like to check the most popular pages on the site. This makes sense because one of the major benefits of Analytics is using real-world data from your users to make decisions, and focusing on the most popular areas of your website is…

How to Keep Staging and Sandbox Traffic out of Google Analytics

We’ve all been there. You’re looking at your Google Analytics reporting and notice a heavy spike in traffic or sales revenue and get excited. Then upon investigating, you discover that this is actually traffic from a testing or staging environment. Recognizing this test traffic is helpful today, but in the future you may not remember this…

How To Fix the Google Analytics Custom Reports Invalid Schema Error

If you recently tried to look at a custom report in Google Analytics, you may have noticed that the report (which may have always worked perfectly) are now displaying an error message when trying to view it. The Google Analytics error reads “Invalid schema. There was an error retrieving the requested dimensions/metrics.” If your Google Analytics Custom…