This is an entry in our daily Internet Marketing Advent Calendar series. Each day your favorite marketing elves Kasi and Amanda will focus on a new topic to get your internet marketing in order before the start of the new year.
As we’re looking ahead to the new year, it’s also tradition to recap the year that is coming to a close. What’s the best way to remember what was on the collective minds of the US in 2009? With the top 10 searches in Google, Yahoo, and Bing, of course!
1. twitter
2. michael jackson
3. facebook
4. hulu
5. hi5
6. glee
7. paranormal activity
8. natasha richardson
9. farrah fawcett
10. lady gaga
1. Michael Jackson
2. “Twilight”
3. WWE
4. Megan Fox
5. Britney Spears — bumped from No. 1 after four straight years, according to Yahoo
6. Naruto
7. “American Idol”
8. Kim Kardashian
10. Runescape
1. Michael Jackson
2. Twitter
3. Swine Flu
4. Stock Market
5. Farrah Fawcett
6. Patrick Swayze
7. Cash for Clunkers
8. Jon and Kate Gosselin
9. Billy Mays
10. Jaycee Dugard
I figured that Michael Jackson would have dominated all three, but Twitter actually came out on top in Google. It’s always fun to see the differences between the search engines. I was surprised that Lady Gaga wasn’t in the top 10 for at least 2 out of 3, with her dramatic rise in the music scene (not to mention her, um, odd choices in costumes). Still, I’m sure some conclusions can be drawn about the different demographics that use the different engines. What do you think it means?
Read the rest of the Internet Marketing Advent Calendar
- Dec. 19 – It is OK to be a Person, Especially When Blogging
- Dec. 18 – New Toy from Google
- Dec. 17 – 2010 SEO Predictions
- Dec. 16 – Bing Shows Love to iPhone Users With Free App
- Dec. 15 – Your Charlie Brown Social Media Strategy
- Dec. 14 – A gift to you from Seth Godin
- Dec. 13 – Is Google Real Time Search Naughty or Nice?
- Dec. 12 – Santa’s Little Helper Quick Tip: Finding Long Tail Keywords
- Dec. 11 – LinkedIn, the Velveteen Rabbit of Social Media Websites
- Dec. 10 – Protecting Your Content
- Dec. 9 – Don’t Forget the Milk & Cookies (Good Content)
- Dec. 8 – Google Makes it (Even More) Personal
- Dec. 7 – Customer Service and Marketing
- Dec. 6 – Social Media Didn’t Invent Criticism
- Dec. 5 – Email is the frosting to your gingerbread house
- Dec. 4 – Is Google Caffeine on Your Holiday Wish List?
- Dec. 3 – Don’t Forget to Make Your Title Tags and Check ‘Em Twice
- Dec. 2 – Your Mobile Website
- Dec. 1 – Your Holiday Card List (Your Network)